Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fuqing China!

I love China so far! I don't remember how to put pictures with posts, but I will figure it out and put up some pictures of my kids and my time here!


  1. HOLY COW A POST FROM LAUREN!!! I'm so glad you can get into Blogger now!! Can't wait to see you put up some pics (even though I've seen a lot of them). Wahooooooo!!!

  2. Yeah!!!! A post from Lauren. It wasn't long, but it was good. Keep it up. We love any little morsel we hear from you, and we pray for you all the time.

  3. Figure out how to post woman! I have GOT to see some pictures. I'm beginning to think you aren't in China at all...proof woman.

  4. Does this mean you are now allowed to blog? YEAH! I really want to see what you are up to! If I can post pictures, anyone can.

  5. Dear Lauren,

    I REALLY wish you would blog.

